15 Common Stoeger Coach Gun Problems (Easy Fixes Added!)

The Stoeger Coach Gun is a beloved firearm for many enthusiasts; its simplicity, reliability, and affordability make it a popular choice for both hunting and home defense. 

However, like any mechanical device, it’s not without its issues. Whether you’re an experienced gun owner or a newbie just getting acquainted with the Stoeger Coach Gun, chances are you have encountered or will encounter some of its common problems

Stoeger Coach Gun Problems

This article aims to guide you through 15 of the most common Stoeger Coach Gun problems, offering easy and practical fixes to ensure your firearm is always in top-notch condition.

Stoeger Coach Gun Problems

The Stoeger Coach Gun, while popular among shooting enthusiasts for its affordability and classic design, is occasionally reported to have certain issues.

Some users have experienced instances of double firing, misfires, or difficulty in breaking open the action for loading and unloading.

Regular maintenance and professional gunsmithing can often resolve these issues, ensuring the longevity and performance of the firearm.

1. Broken Firing Pin


The broken firing pin in Stoeger Coach Guns is often a result of prolonged use or mishandling. 

The constant striking of the firing pin against the cartridge base during shooting can gradually weaken the pin.

 Also, incorrect disassembly and reassembly can cause undue stress on the firing pin, eventually breaking it.


A broken firing pin is not a death knell for your Stoeger Coach Gun. 

The gun can be effectively restored by replacing the broken firing pin with a new one. 

Ensure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions or seek the service of an expert gunsmith to avoid causing further damage.

 Regular inspection and proper maintenance can also prevent such issues from happening in the future.

2. Misaligned Sights


Misaligned sights in Stoeger Coach Guns can usually be traced to a variety of reasons. 

One common cause is improper installation or adjustment of the sight itself. This could be due to user error or faulty manufacturing. 

Another significant cause of misaligned sights is rough handling of the gun.

 Mishaps like dropping the gun or hitting the sight against hard surfaces can misalign the sight.


As a solution to misaligned sights, the first approach is to try adjusting the sight following the manufacturer’s instructions. 

If the sight remains misaligned or the gun still shoots inaccurately, it may be due to a faulty sight. In such cases, replacing the sight with a new one can solve the issue. 

When replacing the sight, it’s advisable to seek the assistance of a professional gunsmith. 

Regular checkups and careful handling can prevent such issues in the future.

3. Tight Double Trigger


The tight double trigger issue in Stoeger Coach Guns typically emerges from two primary factors: prolonged use and lack of adequate maintenance

Over time, the trigger mechanism can become rusty or clogged with debris, making it harder to pull. 

In addition, the use of inappropriate or low-quality lubricants can cause the trigger to tighten, impeding its smooth operation.


To solve a tight double trigger problem, regular cleaning and lubrication are key. 

Utilize a quality gun cleaning solvent to remove dirt, then apply an appropriate lube to ensure smooth trigger movement. 

In severe cases where these actions do not loosen the trigger, consulting a professional gunsmith is recommended. A gunsmith can inspect the gun for any underlying mechanical problems that may be causing the tightness. 

Through regular maintenance and attention to cleanliness, you can prevent the trigger from becoming overly tight.

4. Loose Forend


The issue of a loose forend in Stoeger Coach Guns can primarily stem from two reasons. 

Firstly, prolonged usage can lead to the wearing out of the gun’s components, causing the forend to loosen over time. 

Secondly, improper assembly after cleaning or maintenance can also result in a loose forend. 

This is often a result of not securing the parts correctly or missing out on some key components during the reassembly process.


The solution to a loose forend is two-fold.

 Initially, tightening the loose parts using the appropriate tools as per the manufacturer’s manual can resolve the issue. 

If tightening proves ineffective, it may indicate that some parts are worn out and need to be replaced.

 In such cases, replacement of the worn parts with new ones can effectively resolve the problem.

 It’s crucial to remember that regular inspection and maintenance are necessary to prevent such issues in the future.

5. Inconsistent Ejection


An inconsistent ejection in Stoeger Coach Guns is predominantly due to two main reasons. 

The first is the accumulation of grime and dirt within the ejection mechanism, which hampers its smooth operation. 

The second is the wearing out of the ejection spring, which reduces its tension and ability to consistently eject shells. 

Both of these issues can arise from prolonged use without sufficient cleaning and maintenance.


Addressing the issue of inconsistent ejection involves a more comprehensive cleaning routine and possible replacement of parts. 

The ejection mechanism should be cleaned thoroughly with a suitable gun cleaning solvent to remove any accumulated grime and dirt. 

If the issue persists, it may be necessary to replace the ejection spring

This process should ideally be carried out by a professional gunsmith to ensure proper handling. 

To avoid such issues in the future, regular and thorough cleaning after each use is recommended. 

Additionally, parts should be inspected frequently for wear and tear, with worn out parts replaced as needed.

6. Faulty Safety Mechanism


The faulty safety mechanism in Stoeger Coach Guns can largely be attributed to regular wear and tear or improper handling. 

Over time, the internal components of the safety mechanism can wear out, leading to functional issues. 

Furthermore, mishandling or incorrectly disassembling and reassembling the gun can cause damage to the safety mechanism, leading to its failure.


The solution to a faulty safety mechanism largely involves replacement or repair. 

If the safety mechanism is worn out, it is advisable to replace it with a new one to ensure the gun’s optimal operation.

 However, if the safety mechanism is damaged due to mishandling or improper assembly, it might be repairable. 

A professional gunsmith should be consulted in both scenarios to ensure proper handling and solution implementation. 

Regular inspection and maintenance, such as cleaning and lubricating the safety mechanism, can help prevent such issues from occurring in the future.

7.Difficult Loading


The issue of difficult loading in Stoeger Coach Guns can often be traced back to a few leading contributors. 

Firstly, improper maintenance and cleaning can result in a buildup of residue in the shell chamber, making it challenging to load shells. 

Secondly, overuse can cause the gun’s loading mechanism to wear out over time, increasing the resistance during loading. 

Lastly, misuse or rough handling can deform the loading gate, thereby creating difficulty in loading shells.


Solving the problem of difficult loading primarily involves a rigorous and thorough cleaning routine.

 Regularly clean the shell chamber with an appropriate gun-cleaning solvent to remove any built-up residue. 

If the issue persists, it is advisable to consult a professional gunsmith who can inspect the loading mechanism for any signs of wear or damage. 

If the loading gate is deformed due to misuse, replacing the loading gate might be the solution. 

Regular maintenance and careful handling can help prevent this problem from occurring in the future.

8. Poor Quality Stock Material


The problem with poor quality stock material in Stoeger Coach Guns can be attributed to several factors. 

Primarily, the use of substandard raw materials during manufacture can lead to the stock being of poor quality.

 Inexpensive materials may not withstand the stress and strain of regular use, resulting in chipping, cracking, or warping. Additionally, poor craftsmanship and inadequate quality control procedures during the production process can also contribute to poor quality stock material.


To address the issue of poor-quality stock material, a couple of measures can be taken. 

Firstly, investing in aftermarket stocks made from higher-grade materials can improve the longevity and durability of the gun.

 High-quality wood or synthetic stocks can withstand regular use and are less prone to damage. 

Secondly, if the stock is still within the warranty period, consider contacting Stoeger’s customer service for a replacement

It’s crucial to remember that maintaining the gun, which includes cleaning and storing the gun properly, can help preserve the stock material for an extended period.

Inaccurate Barrel Alignment


The issue of inaccurate barrel alignment in Stoeger Coach Guns is typically due to two main factors. 

The primary cause is improper assembly or reassembly of the gun. Incorrectly fitting the barrels during the assembly process can result in misalignment, thereby affecting accuracy. 

The other factor is wear and tear over time, which can cause the barrels to lose their original alignment. 

Both these causes essentially stem from inadequate maintenance and lack of regular inspection of the gun’s parts.


Addressing the problem of inaccurate barrel alignment usually involves one of two steps. 

First, if the misalignment is due to incorrect assembly, the gun should be disassembled and reassembled correctly, ensuring that the barrels are aligned as per the manufacturer’s guidelines. 

If this doesn’t solve the issue, it may suggest that the gun barrels are worn and need to be replaced. 

In such cases, it is advisable to consult a professional gunsmith who can replace the barrels accurately. 

Regular maintenance and inspection of the gun are again instrumental in preventing such issues from occurring in the future.

9. Failure to Fire


The issue of “Failure to Fire” in Stoeger Coach Guns can be traced back to several common factors. 

The main cause is often linked to faulty ammunition. Old, damp, or improperly stored ammunition may not ignite correctly, leading to a failure to fire. Another common cause is a dirty or damaged firing pin.

Over time, the pin can accumulate grime or suffer from wear and tear, hindering its ability to strike the primer effectively. 

Lastly, improper maintenance of the gun, particularly the lack of regular cleaning, can result in a build-up of residue in the firing mechanism, which can block the firing pin from striking the primer.


Addressing the problem of “Failure to Fire” involves several steps. 

First and foremost, ensure that your ammunition is stored correctly and is not old or damp. Replace any suspect ammunition with fresh, high-quality shells. 

Second, clean the firing pin and firing mechanism regularly with an appropriate gun cleaning solvent to remove any built-up residue. 

If the firing pin is damaged, it may need to be replaced. 

Lastly, establish a regular maintenance routine for your gun, including thorough cleaning after each use. 

If problems persist, it is advisable to consult a professional gunsmith. Regular, careful maintenance can help prevent this and other issues from occurring in the future.

10. Excessive Recoil


The issue of excessive recoil in Stoeger Coach Guns can usually be attributed to two main factors. 

The first is the inherent design of the gun. 

Being a lightweight shotgun, the Stoeger Coach Gun has less mass to absorb the kick, resulting in a more noticeable recoil. 

The second factor is the type of ammunition used. 

Higher-powered shells generate more gas pressure and consequently, produce a stronger recoil. 

The design of the gun and the type of ammunition used significantly influence the degree of recoil experienced.


Addressing the issue of excessive recoil involves a couple of strategies. 

Firstly, using lower-powered shells can reduce the amount of recoil produced. 

Secondly, installing a recoil pad at the end of the stock can also help in absorbing some of the kick, enhancing the overall shooting experience.

 It is important to note that while these solutions can minimize recoil, they cannot eliminate it entirely. 

Using lower-powered shells and installing a recoil pad can significantly reduce the degree of recoil, improving the comfort and accuracy of shooting.

11. Hard Cocking


The hard cocking problem in Stoeger Coach Guns can primarily be attributed to two main factors

The first is the accumulation of grime and residue in the gun’s action, typically the result of infrequent or inadequate cleaning.

 This buildup can create friction, making the cocking operation harder than it should be. 

The second factor is the wear and tear of the internal parts of the gun, particularly the action bars, due to extensive use or lack of proper maintenance. 

Over time, these components can become worn or misshapen, impeding the smooth operation of the gun.


To rectify the issue of hard cocking, there are a few solutions at your disposal. 

Cleaning the gun thoroughly and regularly, especially the action, can help to eliminate any accumulated grime or residue. 

This process will reduce friction and facilitate smoother operation.

 If cleaning does not improve the situation, the problem may lie with worn or damaged internal components. 

In such cases, it would be advisable to consult a professional gunsmith for possible replacement of these parts. 

Overall, maintaining a consistent gun care routine is the key to avoiding hard cocking issues over the long term.

12. Chipping and Warping


The issue of chipping and warping in Stoeger Coach Guns can often be traced back to environmental factors and poor storage conditions. 

Frequent exposure to extreme temperatures and high humidity can cause the gun’s material, especially the wooden stock, to chip and warp over time. 

Furthermore, accidental drops or improper handling can also contribute to the physical damage of the gun, leading to chipping.


Addressing the problem of chipping and warping involves a proper care and maintenance routine. 

Storing your gun in a temperature-controlled, low-humidity environment can prevent damage caused by extreme conditions. 

If the gun has been dropped or improperly handled, inspect it for any noticeable chips or warping and consider seeking professional help for repair. 

Additionally, treating the wooden parts of your gun with a quality wood conditioner can help maintain its integrity and prevent warping. 

Regular inspection and appropriate care of your Stoeger Coach Gun are crucial in preventing such issues from arising.

13. Unreliable Extraction


The problem of “Unreliable Extraction” in Stoeger Coach Guns is usually due to a few main factors. 

First and foremost, a dirty or obstructed extraction chamber can impede the smooth operation of the extraction mechanism. 

Over time, residue from fired shells can accumulate in the chamber, making extraction less reliable. 

Secondly, the extraction mechanism might be worn or damaged, specifically the extractor claw, which is responsible for gripping the shell casing for extraction. 

Thirdly, improper ammunition that doesn’t suit the specifications of the gun can also lead to extraction issues.


Alleviating the issue of “Unreliable Extraction” involves several key steps.

 One of the most important is to regularly clean the extraction chamber, removing any residue or obstructions that may have accumulated. 

Special attention should be paid to the extractor claw during cleaning, and any signs of wear or damage should be promptly addressed.

 If the extractor claw is damaged, it may need to be replaced, preferably by a professional gunsmith to ensure correct installation. 

Lastly, use only the recommended ammunition for your Stoeger Coach Gun to prevent any extraction issues related to incompatible shells.

 Regular maintenance is the cornerstone of preventing this and related issues.

14. Premature Wear and Tear


The issue of premature wear and tear in Stoeger Coach Guns can be caused primarily by two factors. 

The first factor is excessive use of the gun without proper maintenance, which can hasten the degradation of its parts. 

Lack of lubrication, for instance, can cause friction between the moving parts, leading to them wearing out sooner than expected. 

The second factor is exposure to harsh environmental conditions, such as extreme temperatures or moisture, which can cause the materials to degrade quickly.


To mitigate the issue of premature wear and tear, adopting a regular maintenance routine is crucial. 

This includes properly cleaning and lubricating the gun after each use, which can significantly reduce friction between the parts and thus prolong their lifespan.

 Further, the gun should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to protect it from environmental damage. 

If signs of wear and tear persist, it is advisable to consult a professional gunsmith. 

Regular, careful maintenance can help prevent this and other issues from occurring in the future. 

Notably, using quality protective cases and gun socks can significantly reduce exposure to harmful elements, further mitigating premature wear and tear.


Are Stoeger Coach guns reliable?

Yes, Stoeger Coach Guns are generally considered reliable, especially when properly maintained and regularly cleaned.

What is a Stoeger Coach Gun good for?

Stoeger Coach Guns are versatile firearms, ideal for home defense, hunting, and sport shooting events like cowboy action shooting.

Where are Stoeger Coach guns made?

Stoeger Coach Guns are manufactured in Turkey under the supervision of their parent company, Benelli, which is based in Italy.

Who makes a good Coach Gun?

Apart from Stoeger, other notable manufacturers of quality Coach Guns include Dickinson, CZ-USA, and Ithaca Gun Company.

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